Photo above taken during Oncopeltus fasciatus are doing the breeding process. Unique to this process is back each other and quite a long process.
Oncopeltus fasciatus atau yellow bug, atau serangga kuning, atau masuk dalam Class : Insecta, Orde : Hemiptera , Family : Lygaeidae, Genus : Oncopeltus.

Credit post:
(c) 2009 All picture by Rudi B. Prakoso
Teks by Rudi B. Prakoso and en.wikipedia.org
Location : My house - Jember
Event : Foto hunting
Photografer : Rudi B. Prakoso
3 komentar:
tambah sep ae lek motret rek
To Anonim : Terima kasih ya.
oncopeltus fasciatus ..artinya uda ? ...mari kepenthus langsung puthus..ha3
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